First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Name of ALTERNATE Contact
Can be a close family member, significant other, or close friend who could get ahold of you if we can't
First Name
Last Name
Alternate Contact's Phone
Please list all members of your household and their ages
Do any members of your household have allergies to animals or hay?
Do you own or rent your home? If renting, please enter your landlord's contact information
Which rabbit(s) are you interested in?
Have you owned a house rabbit before?
Do you currently own a house rabbit?
If yes, are they spayed/neutered?
If you currently have a rabbit, please tell us about their care, including litter box management, and living space.
Have you ever dealt with G.I. stasis in a rabbit? Do you know how to recognize the symptoms?
Please list all animals currently in your household, if they are spayed/neutered, and where they are kept
If you have other animals in your home, do they have access to your rabbit’s living space?
Do we have permission to contact your vet for a referral?
How much money would you be willing to spend on your rabbit in the case of a medical emergency (post-adoption)?
Are you willing to take your rabbit to the vet for an annual check up?
What will you do if you can no longer care for your rabbit?
If your application is approved, do you agree to send photos of your potential rabbit’s living space or consent to a home check?
I will care for the animal in the most humane manner.
I agree
The animal will be kept in my home until adopted or returned to rescue.
I agree
I will promptly notify the rescue if the rabbit has any suspected ailment, injury, or illness
Vet visits not approved by a rescue official will not be allowed or reimbursed
I agree
I will follow medical advice and treatment plan given to me by the rescue and the veterinarian selected by True Hearts for Healing Paws
I agree
I will not abandon, sell, give away, dispose of, turn over to, or relinquish custody or possession of the rabbit except to return the animal to the rescue.
I agree
I will return the rabbit promptly to the rescue if I do not wish to continue to foster the rabbit or abide by all terms of the contract.
I agree
I understand that I do not have permanent ownership rights of this rabbit until the official adoption contract has been signed.
I agree