Adoption ApplicationHave you found an animal you’re interested in? We can’t wait to hear from you! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Name of an ALTERNATE Contact * This can be a significant other or close family member or friend, just another way to contact you just in case First Name Last Name Alternate Contact's Phone # * (###) ### #### Please list all members of your household and their ages * How many hours per day are you away from home? * Do you own or rent? If renting, please enter your landlord's contact information. * Which rabbit(s) are you interested in and why? Or would you prefer we find a match for you? * Please describe traits you are looking for Have you had rabbits before? If so, what breed(s)? How did they pass? * Describe any characteristics in a bunny that are dealbreakers (i.e. you can't hold them, they don't like to cuddle, shedding, etc.) * List all animals currently in your household, whether or not they are spayed/neutered, and where they are kept. * Have you ever surrendered an animal to a shelter or rehomed a pet? If yes, please explain. * If you currently have a rabbit, please describe their current diet, if not, then describe what their diet will be: including brands, and what treats and how often for everything * Please include what kind of hay, pellets and greens If you currently have a rabbit, please tell us about their care, including litter box management, and living space, grooming, etc * Where will this rabbit spend their time? * Please check all options that apply In an exercise pen or similar caged area Free roam In a hutch Inside of the house Outside in a cage or exercise pen Outside in a fenced in yard Outside on a leash Outside ONLY when supervised If you have other animals in your home, do they have access to your rabbit’s living space? * Do you have a veterinarian who sees rabbits? Please list name of your intended clinic and vet below * We can provide recommendations Can we contact your vet for a referral? * Yes No How much money would you be willing to spend on your rabbit in the case of a medical emergency? * Rabbit vet visits tend to cost a lot more than regular vets. We strongly encourage you to consider rabbit vet insurance in order to be able to medically provide for your bunny Are you willing to take your rabbit to the vet for an annual check up? * Yes No If you currently have a rabbit, are they vaccinated for RHDV? * Yes No N/A If you have had rabbits or other pets who have passed away, please describe how they died: * What will you do if you can no longer care for your rabbit? * Do you have any hay or grass allergies? Please elaborate if you do * Before you get a rabbit, most allergies to them are actually to the hay you feed them. We recommend handling hay before getting a rabbit for the first time. If you are allergic to timothy, there are alternatives you can try. Some breeds of rabbits need regular grooming to keep them healthy and comfortable. If you’re interested in an angora, Jersey Wooley, or double maned lionhead, please list your plan for regular grooming. If interested in another breed, write N/A * Do you smoke? * If your application is approved, do you agree to send photos of your potential rabbit’s living space or consent to a home check? * Yes No Thank you!Please check your junk email folder if you haven’t seen a response in the next 12-24 hours, our emails often end up there.